41 research outputs found

    Is sider still a perdurantist?

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    U knjizi Pisanje knjige sveta (2011) Teodor Sajder tvrdi da na fundamen-talnom nivou stvarnosti ne postoje objekti sastavljeni od delova, što njegovo gledište čini verzijom mereološkog nihilizma. Međutim, u prethodnoj knjizi pod naslovom Četvorodimenzionalizam (2001) Sajder zastupa mereološki univerzalizam, tezu da svaka klasa objekata ima mereološku fuziju, odnosno da postoji dodatni objekat koji sadrži date objekta kao svoje delove, koji igra suštinsku ulogu u njegovoj argumentu na osnovu nejasnosti u prilog perdurantizma, odnosno postojanja temporalnih delova materijalnih objekata. U ovom radu pokušaću da odgovorim na pitanje da li Sajder može i dalje biti perdurantista uprkos njegovom najnovijem prihvatanju mereološkog nihilizma.In Writing the Book of the World (2011) Theodore Sider claims that on the fundamental level of reality there are no objects composed of parts, which makes his view a version of mereological nihilism. However, in his previous book entitled Four-Dimensionalism (2001), Sider endorses mereological universalism, the thesis that every class of objects has a mereological fusion, i.e. that there exists an additional object containing those objects as parts, which plays a crucial role in his argument from vagueness in favor of perdurantism, that is the thesis of the existence of temporal parts of material objects. In this paper I will investigate whether Sider can still be a perdurantist in spite of his latest commitment to mereological nihilism

    Problem of temporal parts in contemporary metaphysics

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    Ako temporalni delovi fizičkih objekata postoje, onda je najbolje shvatiti ih isključivo kao netrenutne, iz dva razloga: (i) samo pomoću netrenutnih temporalnih delova možemo odgovoriti na argument s rotirajućim diskovima, i (ii) možemo tvrditi da je rasprava oko postojanja temporalnih delova supstancijalna. To je glavna teza naše disertacije. Argumentišući u njenu korist, bavimo se sledećim temama u odgovarajućim poglavljima: (1) problemom temporalnih delova u istorijskom i savremenom kontekstu; (2) varijetetima perdurantizma i endurantizma; (3) argumentom s rotirajućim diskovima; (4) supstancijalnošću rasprave oko postojanja temporalnih delova; (5) problemima netrenutnih temporalnih delova; i (6) nekim sugestijama za dalje istraživanje.If temporal parts of physical objects exist, then it is best to conceive them as non-instantaneous only, for two reasons: (i) only non-instantaneous temporal parts can provide an answer to the rotating discs argument, and (ii) the dispute about the existence of temporal parts is substantive. That is the main thesis of our dissertation. Arguing in its favour, we deal with the following topics in corresponding chapters: (1) the problem of temporal parts in historical and contemporary context; (2) the varieties of perdurantism and endurantism; (3) the rotating discs argument; (4) substantivity of the dispute about the existence of temporal parts; (5) problems for non-instantaneous temporal parts; and (6) some suggestions for further research

    Problem of temporal parts in contemporary metaphysics

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    Ako temporalni delovi fizičkih objekata postoje, onda je najbolje shvatiti ih isključivo kao netrenutne, iz dva razloga: (i) samo pomoću netrenutnih temporalnih delova možemo odgovoriti na argument s rotirajućim diskovima, i (ii) možemo tvrditi da je rasprava oko postojanja temporalnih delova supstancijalna. To je glavna teza naše disertacije. Argumentišući u njenu korist, bavimo se sledećim temama u odgovarajućim poglavljima: (1) problemom temporalnih delova u istorijskom i savremenom kontekstu; (2) varijetetima perdurantizma i endurantizma; (3) argumentom s rotirajućim diskovima; (4) supstancijalnošću rasprave oko postojanja temporalnih delova; (5) problemima netrenutnih temporalnih delova; i (6) nekim sugestijama za dalje istraživanje.If temporal parts of physical objects exist, then it is best to conceive them as non-instantaneous only, for two reasons: (i) only non-instantaneous temporal parts can provide an answer to the rotating discs argument, and (ii) the dispute about the existence of temporal parts is substantive. That is the main thesis of our dissertation. Arguing in its favour, we deal with the following topics in corresponding chapters: (1) the problem of temporal parts in historical and contemporary context; (2) the varieties of perdurantism and endurantism; (3) the rotating discs argument; (4) substantivity of the dispute about the existence of temporal parts; (5) problems for non-instantaneous temporal parts; and (6) some suggestions for further research

    The Concept of Creating and Designing of Overview Digital Hydrological Atlas Maps within the GIS Project

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    The paper presents the possibility of drafting and modelling of a part of geographic content of four overview atlas maps of Digital Hydrological Atlas of Serbia (DHAS), scale 1: 5000 000 by using available open access cartographic sources and data, and applying cartographic methods and established steps of GIS digitization. The mapping territory and the approximate DHAS structure have been defined in the paper, as well as the mathematical elements of the overview atlas maps. A way of obtaining new modified overview atlas maps through the GIS integration of various cartographic data representing a part of the territory of the continent of Europe has been presented. The advantages of contemporary cartographic and GIS systems for modelling digital atlases and thematic hydrological atlas maps have been explained

    Using historical aerial photography for monitoring of environment changes: a case study of Bovan Lake, Eastern Serbia

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    Useful and important information for the spatial, ecological, and many other changes in the living environment may be obtained using the analysis of historical aerial photography, with comparison to contemporary imagery. This method provides the ability to determine the state of elements of the space over a long period, encompassing the time when it was not possible to acquire the data from satellite imagery or some other contemporary sources. Aerial images are suitable for mapping spatial phenomena with relatively limited spatial distribution because they possess a high level of details and low spatial coverage. With a comparative analysis of aerial imagery from the past, contemporary aerial imagery, and other sources of aerial imagery, we can obtain information about the nature and trends of the observed phenomena as well as directions of future actions, considering changes detected in the environment, whether they are preventive or corrective in nature. This paper gives the methodological framework for the appliance of the existing knowledge from various fields, intending to use historical aerial photography for monitoring of environmental changes of the Bovan Lake in Eastern Serbia

    Development of Pedestrian Alert System for Use in Electric Vehicles

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    Modern technology has made electric vehicles more accessible, which is important for the preservation of the environment. Although eco-friendly, from the standpoint of pedestrian safety, they may be baleful. The low levels of noise emitted by electric vehicles at speeds lower than 20 km/h are not sufficient for the pedestrian to become aware of the approaching vehicle based on sound. The topic of this paper is the research of sounds used to warn pedestrians of an incoming electric vehicle, while the goal is to single out the most suitable applicable sound based on an unique self-developed multiparameter methodology (which has been experimentally proved). The paper contains the results of the experiments, both of selecting the most suitable applicable sound and driving-range testing

    Dispersion of automobile industry supplier network as precondition for regional underdevelopment? (Comparative study Serbia, Italy and Czech Republic)

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    The aim of the paper is to analyze relationship between Fiat Automobile Industry supplier network, its geographical distribution and influence on regional development, and make comparison to similar situation in Italy and Czech Republic during automobile industry development. The industry in mentioned countries had and still have significant state support through subsides, taxes reliefs and employment programs, especially in regions defined as underdeveloped. The research results related with Italy and Czech Republic are opposite, because state supporting programs in Czech Republic gave positive results in automobile industry development and its relation with regional development. The regions with state supporting programs developed specific economy structure which resulted in their better position within national economy. On the other hand, case of Italy and its supporting programs showed inefficiency of state in regional development because most of the regions, after auto industry closing, experienced fall in GDP, employment and exports. The results of research showed consistency with Italian results, because found out strong concentration within Sumadija region along with low level of export orientation, making such region highly dependable on Fiat automobile industry. On the other hand, within Vojvodina region, such supplier network has been developed with export oriented suppliers, included in international automobile industry value chain, making the region more flexible and more resistant on future FIAT strategic decisions

    Modelovanje određenih elemenata digitalnih atlasnih karata sa aspekta geografskih informacionih sistema

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    Besides geographic maps, atlases represent the most important cartographic models of environment. Nowadays, contemporary geographic information systems (GIS)are increasingly used ' in planning, designing and predicting the conditions and processes of complex dynamic spatial systems. Collecting data and information for a specific geographical map and GIS represents its basis.Atlasi i GIS važni su elementi prikaza modela životnog prostora. U radu je predstavljen model upotrebe GIS tehnologije u izradi određenih elemenata atlasnih karata. To podrazumeva definisanje osnovnih matematičkih elemenata karata digitalnog atlasa i mogućih struktura i formi baza prostornih podataka. Geografski elementi atlasnih karata, pretprocesiranje u GIS i strukturiranje karata digitalnog atlasa podržano GIS-om čine osnovne teme rada. Naglašava se mesto GIS tehnologije u procesu izrade atlasnih karata sa dva aspekta. Jedan aspekt predstavlja okvir geografskih informacionih sistema i mogućnosti koje pružaju, a drugi aspekt predstavljaju kartografske metode, odnosno sistem kartografskih metoda u čijem okruženju se izrađuju atlasne karte

    Effects of the acrylic polyol structure and the selectivity of the employed catalyst on the performance of two-component aqueous polyurethane coatings

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    Two kinds of aqueous acrylic polyols (single step and multi step synthesis type) have been investigated for their performance in the two-component aqueous polyurethane application, by using more selective catalysts. The aliphatic polyfunctional isocyanates based on hexamethylen diisocyanates have been employed as suitable hardeners. The complex of zirconium, commercially known as K-KAT(R)XC-6212, and manganese (III) complexes with mixed ligands based on the derivative of maleic acid have been used as catalysts in this study. Both of the aqueous polyols give good results, in terms of application and hardness, when elevated temperatures and more selective catalysts are applied. A more selective catalyst promotes the reaction between the isocyanate and polyol component. This increases the percentage of urethane bonds and the degree of hardness in the films formed from the two components of aqueous polyurethane lacquers. The polyol based on the single step synthesis route is favourable concerning potlife and hardness. The obtained results show that the performance of the two-component aqueous polyurethane coatings depends on the polymer structure of the polyols as well as on the selectivity of the employed catalyst